Here’s What’s Filming In BC
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Here’s What’s Filming In BC

Okay, okay. We lied. We’ve all signed some pretty serious NDA’s with our clients and can’t reveal specifically what’s filming in town. However, someone who was really curious could have a look at Creative BC’s website at their Production List because it happens to include our local productions on it too. (Just saying)

Something to Think About

Something to Think About

During the past year, our community has suffered crushing blows with the wildfires that raged through the Okanagan. Our scenic backdrop that has been used hundreds of times for picturesque films and romantic movies-of-the-week was destroyed. And while we could spend time talking about how awful this was for everyone, or about rebuilding, we’re taking…

5 Day Film Competition is Underway with 14 Teams
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5 Day Film Competition is Underway with 14 Teams

OSIF and Snakebite Film Festival in Penticton have partnered for a 5 Day Film Competition. Fourteen teams are currently racing to complete their short films where they all have the same prop, character, and line of dialogue and had to choose between seven genres and seven themes/sub genres for their film. Selected films will be…